World Cup Qualifiers Preview (CANMNT + USMNT)

World Cup Qualifiers Preview (CANMNT + USMNT)

World Cup Qualifier Preview: Join Jeffrey P Nesker and TobesLeroney as we preview the United States Men’s National Team and the Canadian Men’s National Team for the upcoming World Cup qualifier games. We share our thoughts on squad selection, tactics, and their chances in this two-game international window. Plus, we delve into some interesting tangents that extend the episode a bit (sorry Jeffrey!). Topics include soccer infrastructure in Canada, game location selection politics, and whether the decision to play in Edmonton was a good one for the CANMNT.


Jeffrey P Nesker: Filmmaker, contributor/journalist for Waking The Red, Canadian soccer fanatic, and TFC supporter.

TobesLeroney: US Soccer enthusiast, analytical wizard, and Twitch streamer.


Season 1 Episode 5 – Recorded Nov 12, 2021 | |

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